28 Feb 2012

Pt 1: Howl Seiryu! The Birth of Dragoon! vs Day of the Dragoon

Nelvana prodded this episode A LOT. Whether or not their experimentations and modifications led to any improvement is up to the individual Beyblade fanatic.

The changes in dialogue that I managed to pick up are outlined below. Any lines that I couldn't confidently translate in full have been summarised within brackets.

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Grandpa: Hey dudes!
Ryuunosuke: Who goes there?!
Grandpa: What's up with you, my homeboys?
Ryuunosuke: (accuses them of being
dorobo or thieves)
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Kenny: We just stopped by to see
if Tyson was at home.
Kyouju: No, actually... we are both
here for Takao-kun.
Grandpa: I'm hip. Little dude's inside practising.
Ryuunosuke: (surprised they were just standing
outside, he tells them to hurry up)

(Dub: Kenny & Andrew admit they had been worried about Tyson after his defeat.
Japanese: Any concerns had been cleared in the previous scene, which showed Takao in good spirits.
This scene's focus is the Shell Killers, and Akira divulges the little information he has to an eager Takao, who doesn't mind if certain details do not make sense.)
(Dub: Andrew says that the Blade Sharks are searching for an all-powerful Bit-Beast.
Japanese: Not everyone has the ability to see Bit-Beasts, and thus, few know of their existence. This includes Akira, who informs Takao that the Shell Killers are looking for a special Beyblade, but openly admits that he does not understand what "special" really means.)
(Dub: Tyson declares that they must work together to build the ultimate Beyblade in order to defeat Kai.
Japanese: Takao's passion for Beyblading flares up again as Akira confirms that Kai is leader of the Shell Killers. He can't wait for a rematch and is confident he can win.)
(Dub: Andrew stresses that a Beyblade's power depends largely on the Bit-Beast, but Tyson's unfazed.
Japanese: Confused, Akira raises the issue of how damaged Takao's Beyblade was after battling Kai.
Takao tells him not to worry.)

(Dub: Tyson expects help from Kenny & Andrew.
Japanese: Takao shows Kyouju & Akira the parts for a new Beyblade he is planning to build. In doing so, he demonstrates that he is actively devising a strategy to defeat Kai.)

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Andrew: What exactly do you mean by "we"?
Akira: Is it really going to be all right?
Tyson: We. I mean, the three of us.
Takao: Shut it! Quit thinking like that!
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Andrew: Actually, there's four of us.
Akira: Y-you've got a point.
Kenny: He means Dizzi.
Kyouju: It's no good.
(Dub: Kenny reveals Dizzi's backstory.
Japanese: Kyouju demonstrates his knowledge on Beyblade parts, moving on to saying that he has a lot of useful data. He ultimately offers his contributions, much to Takao's disbelief and gratitude.)
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Tyson: Well, what are we waiting for?
Tell ol' Dizzi we've got a Blade to build!
Takao: You're awesome!
I can't tell you how excited I am!
Kenny: You bet. Dizzi, do your stuff!
Kyouju: Right. Let's get back to work.

Dizzi: Ok boys, if you wanna beat Kai at his own game, you're going to have to do exactly as I tell you, and, I mean exactly. Oh, & if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you hook up the adaptor & plug me in? I'm starting to feel a little sluggish.
Takao: I have other friends besides my Bey. Kyouju, and also Akira; the strength of these guys will surely make an awesome Bey. Just you wait, Kai!

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Carlos: Kai! I'm, I'm really sorry!
Hiruta: Kai-sama! Withdraw, please!
Kai: You have embarrassed the Blade Sharks, Carlos.
We have never lost a match.
Japanese:  The Shell Killers will teach you a lesson 
for losing to such trash.

(Dub: Tyson suggests to build a new Blade, however Kenny still feels bad about coming short first time round.
Japanese: Takao assures Kyouju that his help did produce a better Bey, but Kyouju reminds him that despite that, it is still not strong enough.)
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Tyson: Well I'm not giving up yet.
Takao: I'll work my hardest with this Bey.
(Dub: Andrew reminds Tyson of his part in the project.
Japanese: Akira's impressed with Takao's spirit & says
he should pour it into his training.)

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